
Friday, February 18, 2022

7 selections of your own terrarium decorations!

The presence of ornamental plants in the room can certainly give you a feeling of relaxation and at the same time improve your mood. However, the small space in the room actually limits the placement of ornamental plants. With terrariums, as well as ornamental plants, you can decorate your table with the beauty of your garden.

This innovative glass garden was discovered by chance in an experiment conducted by scientist Nathaniel B. Ward. At that time, Ward was designing a mini ecosystem inside a chemical tube. Due to the success of Ward's experiments, terrariums are widely used by ornamental plant lovers.


Currently, the shapes of glass containers for terrariums are becoming more diverse. In addition to the glass vase, you can also use some objects around the house to create your own terrarium.

Before recognizing which objects can be used as terrariums, it's a good idea to first know the two types of terrariums and plants.

Terrarium plants


Each terrarium-grown plant has its own characteristics. Because the planting container is closed but limited in size, the terrarium plant must be an ornamental plant with small leaves and soft stems and should not be too tall.

Ring-growing plants (rosettes), vines, and creeps can also be planted in terrariums as long as they grow slowly enough.


It also needs to withstand high humidity levels and lack of sunlight. Of these two conditions, terrarium plants fall into two types. In other words, a wet terrarium that can withstand high humidity and a dry terrarium that can grow under low light conditions.

Terrarium pinterest.com

Some types of plants for dried terrariums include cacti, succulents, and the Earthly Stars (cryptanthrus). Apart from being small, these three terrarium plants are slow growing.

Wet terrariums, on the other hand, allow you to view more colorful glass garden configurations with family plants Crow And Maranza, Dracaena, Amimegusa,and Gesneriaceae.. Most of these terrarium plants look attractive with fine hair and colorful leaves.

1. Terrarium from a glass cup


A simple container that can be used as a terrarium is a glass cup. The water park concept is suitable for applying to glass cups. Therefore, choose aquatic plants that do not require a large surface area to grow. Due to its small size, the terrarium in a glass cup can be used as a table sweetener.

2.2. Air plant Of the light bulb


Expired light bulbs should not be thrown away yet. Unplug the electrical equipment on the bulb and replace the contents with planting medium and terrarium plants. Like a work lamp, a series of terrariums made of light bulbs can be hung from the ceiling of a room by attaching ropes to both ends.

3. Terrarium for wall decoration


The terrarium can be placed on furniture and hung on the ceiling, or it can be used as an attractive wall decoration by using a used acrylic box.

Attach the hanger to the wall and hang the terrarium slope in a perforated acrylic box to make it look like a diamond. The terrarium concept can be made like a dry garden, making it suitable for use as a wall decoration in a minimalist room.

4. Terrarium in various glass containers


Bottles, glass vases, and aquarium containers are excellent media for terrariums. These containers are larger than common terrarium vases, so you can plant different types of terrarium plants of larger sizes. Large air holes also provide a good air effect for plant growth.

5. From the terrarium Mason jar


Among DIY enthusiasts, Mason jars are known to be extremely versatile and can be easily transformed into a variety of ornaments. It is also interesting to use it as a terrarium container. Apart from the Mason jar, the glass bottle and glass contain a beverage container that can also be used for terrariums.

6. Modern terrarium from accessory container

Terrarium from accessory holderShutterstock.com

Use a glass or acrylic jewelry box as the medium for the terrarium. When filled with planting media and terrarium vegetation, the appearance of the accessory box resembles a modern terrarium container with a luxurious impression. Place this container on your computer desk or work bench to keep it fresh as you work.

7. Terrarium from a glass bowl


Changes can be made to the terrarium from a glass bowl, such as by covering it with a metal plate, so that this terrarium can function as an elegant air plant. An easier way is to flip the position of the air holes forward. The terrarium also looks like a magic glass ball.


Do you already know which terrarium you want to try? If you succeed in making your own terrarium, pay attention to how you handle it.

Maintaining terrarium-grown plants is generally the same as caring for potted ornamental plants. Regular watering will require water, but you can extend the watering period by more than 2-4 weeks to avoid over-humidity. good luck!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/78517/dekorasi-terarium-unik

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