
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Eight dangers that can occur if you don

Do you remember the last time you washed the sheets, changed the sheets, cleaned the mattress, or washed the pillows? This activity is often overlooked by us due to the accumulated busyness. It's dangerous, but you know if you're not keen on changing bed sheets.

Given that bed linen is part of the house closest to us, don't forget to replace your used sheets with new ones on a regular basis. Don't you want to grow potentially harmful bacteria in your bed just because changing bed linen in your bedroom is a hassle? This time, Kania looks at the dangers that arise if you are not keen on changing bed linen. Look below for anything!

1. The sweat generated by the body may adhere to the sheets.

Sweat adheres to the sheetimg2-azcdn.newser.com

When talking about the cleanliness of bed linen, the first thing that comes to mind is the risk of bacteria getting on the sheets. But that's not all. When you sleep, you still sweat. Then, of course, our sweat is absorbed by the fibers of the bed sheets and binds to the fibers.

This is something that may be dangerous around you. The reason is that sweat-moist sheets are bacterial nests. We consider sweating and consuming the body's natural oils, especially when we are asleep. Therefore, bed linen should be changed on a regular basis.

2. Not only sweat, but also skin regeneration that normally occurs during sleep can be dangerous

Skin regeneration sheetcdn.shopify.com

Normally, when we sleep at night, the body experiences skin regeneration or replacement in the form of loss of dead skin cells in our body. Of course, we are unaware that dead skin cells are microorganisms that are invisible to the naked eye. Still, I believe there are a lot of dead skin cells attached to our bed sheets. Can you imagine that you rarely change your bed sheets? If these dead skin cells are allowed to accumulate, they can bring new bacteria and bacteria to the bed sheets.

3. Bacteria on the sheet can irritate the skin and cause a rash

Bacteria on bed sheetspinterest.com

Dirty sheets that are not cleaned regularly can accumulate bacteria. These small invisible animals can target your body and cause skin irritation due to dust and dirt that can adhere to the sheet. Choose the sheet material that suits your needs.

Symptoms that you may experience usually cause red eyes, itching of the body, rashes, and allergies. This is because your body cannot tolerate many bacteria on the bed sheets.

4. Acne may land on your face just because you neglected to change the sheets.

Acne because the sheet does not changerickys-nyc.com

Bacteria produced by the body and attached to bed sheets can inflame and infect the skin of the face. Makeup can stick to sheets and pillowcases, especially if you don't want to clean your makeup before bedtime. The resulting effect is, of course, not good for your face. Various facial skin problems can occur, such as acne and ruptured skin. Surely this will be a big problem for you?

5. There are bed bugs that live comfortably on mattresses and sheets

For fleas-sheetsmix931fm.com

Have you ever woke up sleeping with hot and itchy skin? What you rarely clean can be itching caused by bed bugs that live comfortably on mattresses and bed linen. This animal is quite difficult to see with the naked eye. Bed bugs can usually grow and spread rapidly when on dirty sheets. You can also choose a waterproof tarpaulin.

If you find a bed bug on the sheets, immediately wash the sheets with hot water at a minimum temperature of 48.8 ° C.o oC to 60o oC so that bacteria and bed bugs can die. For mattresses that are infested with bed bugs Vacuum cleaner A dry brush that helps remove lice and eggs from the mattress.

Don't wait for bed bugs first. Regularly remove bed bugs so that mattresses and bed linen can be used more hygienically and safely.

6. Nodules begin to appear in the folds of the body

Nipples because of the sheetimages.wisegeek.com

One of the other dangers of rarely changing bed linen is the appearance of a rash on the fingers, wrists, medial forearms, elbows, armpit folds, buttocks, and lower abdomen. This is due to sensitization to the bacteria attached to the sheet.

This problem scabies This is similar to a skin condition that complains of itching, making it more difficult to diagnose and treat when seen by a doctor. To avoid this, the place of this bacterium is a bed that has not been cleaned for a long time, so you should clean the bed linen and mattress at least once a week.

7. In addition, the habit of eating in bed where you can invite small animals in bed

Eat on bed sheetsDream.co.uk

Mattresses are certainly the most comfortable place in the house, so you can do a lot of activities on them. One of them is a sheet meal or snack. Sounds trivial, but if you're not careful and diligent in cleaning your bed linen, this activity can be dangerous.

One of the dangers is that the crumbs left on the bed sheets can invite small animals such as ants to arrive at the cockroach. The arrival of these animals can be added to the list of bacteria and bacteria they carry to our beds. So also make sure you know the quality of bed linen before you buy, are the sheets antibacterial?

8. There is a risk of asthma even for those who rarely change bed linen

The risk of asthma does not replace sheetsak3.picdn.net

As mentioned above, when we sleep, the cells in our body are repaired and renewed with new cells, including skin cells. The remaining dead skin cells that adhere to the sheet at night can be a comfortable place for mites, and inhaling them can be dangerous.

If you find a comfortable place, these dust mites can live and breed for a very long time and eventually spread various diseases such as allergies and asthma.

The risk of asthma does not replace sheetsfiles.sirclocdn.xyz

Dust mites usually spread allergies and asthma through feces. Recent studies have also stated that allergic viruses in mite droppings are the direct cause of various allergic reactions that occur in humans. Tick ​​droppings are also a cause of asthma recurrence and increase asthma attacks in children. How scary isn't it?

After knowing the above facts, if changing bed linen is a hassle, you have to think twice, right? Choosing the right type of bed sheets is important, but don't forget to change your bed linen on a regular basis.

Now, if you're looking for bed linen in Decorma, Decorma offers a variety of brands of bed linen, including King Rabbit and Linori. There is also a new mattress that accompanies you to sleep. Dekoruma sells Dunlopillo, King Koil, Serta, and other well-known mattress brands. Of course, the highest quality, not fake. Find your dream mattress right away at Decorma!

Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/53369/bahaya-jarang-mengganti-sprei

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