
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Is it dangerous to use a power saver at home?

Know the facts of power saving tools

Power saving tools are not new products for Indonesian people. Many manufacturers are competing to make power-saving devices that are said to save electrical energy so that they can reduce their monthly electricity bills. However, do not buy in a hurry. It is good to know and understand the truth of electric saver devices first. Now, take a look at Kania's review of the next power savings!

Learn more about power saving tools

Blue power saving


Generally, an electric saver is a small box containing electrical components. An expert at the Institute of Electrical Measurement, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Indonesia confirmed the contents of this power saving device.

As a result of investigation, the electric saver device consists of one core component called a compressor. In addition, electric saver devices also include capacitors with switches, indicator lamps, and voltmeters or voltage measuring devices.

This power-saving device design acts only as a capacitively disabled electrical load that can compensate for the inductive electrical load. Simply put, power saving can stabilize the performance of electronic devices, but only in certain capabilities.

Research Results: Power Saving Tools Do Not Reduce Power Accounts

Someone has a black electric saveryoutube

PT as a government agency for national power company services. The state-owned power company also conducted tests on power-saving devices. Testing has shown that the use of this product is ineffective or does not affect the calculation of monthly electricity bills.

Further investigation confirms that the power saving function is only for stabilizing or optimizing the performance of electricity at home. However, power saving has nothing to do with the calculation of electricity bills.

Power saving tool has not received SNI

Indonesian national standard logobsn.go.id

The Indonesian National Standard, or more commonly called SNI, is the only standard that applies nationwide in Indonesia. According to a report from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the director of the Electricity Program Development Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the power saving device has not obtained a valid SNI license.

Therefore, the average power-saving product on the market has not yet undergone proper consumer testing. The use of power saving tools is not prohibited, but caution is required when using power saving tools.

Active power may increase or affect

Electric saver connected to an electric switchYuga Tech

There is a unique controversy about saving electricity. Observers in the electrical energy debate say there is laboratory evidence from the University of Indonesia stating that power savings cannot reduce active power (watts). On the contrary, power savers tend to increase or affect the active power of electricity in the house. It does not directly increase costs or electricity prices, but it is not impossible that saving electricity can affect the performance of electricity and have fatal consequences.

More power saving tools for commercial purposes

A person has 250,000 invoices and 200,000 invoicesimg.voi.id

Power saving tools are said to have the ability to reduce the user's electricity bill, but it is emphasized that power saving manufacturers cannot actually prove this function.

Therefore, Article 30-54 of the 2009 Act was issued by Jisman Hutajulu, Director of the Electricity Program Development Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Article 25 (1) is 5 years in prison, up to 2 billion. Rupiah has been sentenced to a fine.

Now, it would be great if you could know and understand power saving tools and think wisely before buying or using a power saving device. Don't forget to read other interesting information just for decorma!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/95697/fakta-alat-penghemat-listrik

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